Executive Coach and Founder/CEO of DNA Light Up
My birth name is Melanie Pledger, my friends call me Mel. I’ve also been called many other things over the course of my full and eventful life – not all of them flattering!
I am an Executive Coach and Founder/CEO of DNA Light Up
I’ve never fitted in, which posed a huge problem for me in my earlier years. Today I embrace my full misfit-self with open arms, because I’ve discovered I’m not alone! We’re all misfits in our own way. Each of us different, one-of-a kind, each our own masterpiece as unique to ever one of us as our fingerprint.
This is my specialist arena. Working with the core, instinct, intuition, gut, soul – this uniqueness within each of us goes by many names! This is the place where our dreams and inspiration live – it’s where our deepest fears lie hidden, and our biggest breakthroughs are born.
Since first birthing this work in 2009, I’ve since worked with adults and children, individuals and businesses, consistently achieving life-changing results in a very short space of time. Today, DNA Light Up is a growing team of professional Activators who deliver this work around the world.
Why are we losing connection with our inner light, and what can we do to change that?
As poets and prophets have been saying for centuries, there is a light within all of us. Call it intuition, gut feeling, inner compass, soul… it’s that place within that somehow just ‘knows’.
Like so many people, along the road to adulthood, I lost connection with that light. i forgot my dreams, lost my spark. Like so many people, I almost lost myself.
Why do so many of us start seeking answers and solutions outside ourselves, instead of paying attention to our inner guidance?
What can we do today to strengthen that connection and what impact could it have on tomorrow’s world?