Head of School of Culture & Communication Swansea University
Head of School of Culture & Communication Swansea University
Experienced public relations and branding specialist, currently teaching PR and branding at Swansea University and running the MA Communication, Media Practice and PR.
Latest Book: Rees, S. F. (2020) Public Relations, Branding & Authenticity, Abingdon: Routledge
Latest Chapter: Rees, S. F. & Williams, I. (2021), ‘Sports PR’ in Tench, R. & Waddington, S. (Eds) Exploring Public Relations, Harlow: Pearson, exploringpr.com
Latest Research: Rees, S. F. (2019) ‘Re-imagining Employability: an Ontology of Employability Best Practice in Higher Education Institutions’ in Teaching in Higher Education (online).
Title: Are we in control of what we buy?
Teaser: Who decides what we buy and what we use? Are we in control or are we under the influence of others?