Tray-Sean Ben Salmi
Amazon #1 Best Seller & Award-Winning Author, Stock & Shares Trader, Property Mentor & Investor, Award winning Public Speaker (Virgin, The Beat You Expo 15,000 attendees) and Child Advocate. Sponsored by Luster Products.
16yr old Tray-Sean Ben Salmi is an Amazon #1 Best Seller & Award-Winning Author, Stock & Shares Trader, Property Mentor & Investor, Award winning Public Speaker (Virgin, The Beat You Expo 15,000 attendees) and Child Advocate. Sponsored by Luster Products. Tray-Sean has recently signed a contract with FirstPoint USA 🇺🇸 for an opportunity to go to America for a full academic and sports scholarship.
His Aim is to eradicate poverty by teaching 1 million young people financial education
Tray-Sean is an award winning author of Kidz That Dream Big, Former Radio Show host, Regan Hillyer International Be Your Brand Fellow, Author of 10 Seconds To Child Genius:, Winner of TruLittle Heros Award – Academic and a Business/Personal developments mentor/coach.
Talk details
Name of talk: Financial education is basic education
Description: In this talk I will share why financial education is important and why it should be the norm as well as how it helped transform my life in more ways than I could’ve imagined.